A question I often pose to my clients is “When I say the words self-care, what comes to mind?”. This question is met with a variety of responses from walking to journaling to massages and pedicures. Then there is the statement I hear which goes a little something like this “Self-care? What’s that? I am far too busy caring for my family, partner, kids, pets. With all that and my job and other obligations to friends, colleagues….I just have no time! What am I supposed to do? Tell my family and everyone else that I need some time to myself?”
In short, the answer is a resounding YES!!! Putting your self-care practices on the shelf can cause stress, anxiety and can ultimately result in complete burn out (or a blow up). With a little support from your nearest and dearest (and some finessing around time management) you can set some realistic and simple self-care goals.
Let’s look at the different kinds of self-care practices and some questions you can ask yourself:
Physical Self-Care – Do you:
Eat healthy foods
Exercise regularly
Get enough sleep
Rest when you are unwell
Emotional Self-Care – Do you:
Talk through any issues with friends/family
Participate in hobbies/interests
Express your feelings in meaningful ways such as creating art, journaling
Find reasons to laugh
Professional Self-Care – Do you:
Participate in professional development
Take adequate breaks
Make efforts to build relationships with colleagues
Say NO to taking on excessive responsibilities
Spiritual Self-Care – Do you:
Meditate / Pray
Connect with nature
Live authentically
Express gratitude
If you are reading through these lists and answering ‘no’ or ‘hardly ever’ to any of these self-care practices, it may be worthwhile asking yourself WHY. Self-care is in no way selfish! In fact, the more you invest in yourself, the happier and healthier you will feel and that in turn will benefit everyone else around you too! Like the saying goes…. “You can’t pour from an empty cup’”.